Bachelor of Mathematics (Applied Statistics)

University of Wollongong Business School

Jenis institusi: Universitas/Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Tingkat: Sarjana
CRICOS: 00102E

The Bachelor of Mathematics (Applied Statistics) will teach you highly transferable skills in problem-solving, data analysis, probability and variability, mathematical modelling, logistics and logic. Mathematical and statistical models help us analyse information and forecast results in economics, finance, medicine and industrial processes. Your major in applied statistics will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge of a professional statistician: logic, problem-solving, mathematical and statistical modelling, experimental design and the ability to organise, analyse and interpret large amounts of data. You will study subjects including estimation and hypothesis testing, applied probability and financial risk, linear and generalised models, statistical inference and sample surveys and experimental design.

Informasi Studi

KampusBiayaAsupan pertengahan tahunKehadiran
Wollongong International: $110,016 No
  • Full-time : 3 years

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