Graduate Certificate in Economics

University of Western Australia, The (UWA)

Jenis institusi: Universitas/Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Tingkat: Pascasarjana
CRICOS: 00126G

Gain specialized knowledge and skills in economics and apply your learnings to a variety of economic problems, such as analyzing and critically evaluating economic policies and market operations. Youll also learn to provide solutions to complex problems, communicate clearly, effectively, and appropriately in relation to complex problems and issues in economics to a variety of audiences. UWAs internationally renowned Economics lecturers emphasize the foundations needed to understand the way the economy works, be it Australia, China, the US or the world as a whole.

Informasi Studi

KampusBiayaAsupan pertengahan tahunKehadiran
Crawley International: $24,350 No
  • Part-time : 1 year

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