Graduate Diploma of Economics of Sustainability (Partnership with Modern Money Lab)

Torrens University Indonesia

Jenis institusi: Universitas/Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Tingkat: Pascasarjana
CRICOS: 03389E

A Graduate Diploma of Economics of Sustainability offers core knowledge of modern money theory and ecological economics. Our Torrens University course is co-delivered with the acclaimed research institute Modern Money Lab. Build advanced communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This unique course offers professional training in non-neoclassical economics and the ecological economics of sustainability and is designed to meet the growing global demand for high-quality graduates in the field. You can enter this course with an undergraduate degree and graduation will provide job opportunities or a pathway to the Master of Economics of Sustainability, and potentially to doctoral studies. This graduate diploma is ideal for those working or intending to work in business, government or not-for-profits, those seeking a background in new economics and those considering a career as a professional economist.

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