Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (Partnership with Modern Money Lab)

Torrens University Indonesia

Jenis institusi: Universitas/Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Tingkat: Pascasarjana
CRICOS: 03389E

A Graduate Diploma of Business Administration expands on business knowledge from a globalised leadership perspective. It helps you move up in your field, develop critical strategies to guide business development and employ dynamic leadership skills. Successfully completing a graduate business administration diploma provides a pathway into a full MBA. This course is designed by high-achieving industry academics for future-focused, ambitious individuals, who are serious about leading their careers and businesses to new heights. You will learn how to develop critical strategies to guide your business and employ dynamic leadership skills across four core and four elective subjects. The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration Course is a pathway to a full MBA or MBA (Advanced), as well as a solid stand-alone qualification. *Please note that the core units within the Graduate Certificate of Business Administration are required for the exit pathway.

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