Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (On Demand)

Torrens University Indonesia

Jenis institusi: Universitas/Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Tingkat: Pascasarjana
CRICOS: 03389E

The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (On Demand) expands on existing business knowledge from a global leadership perspective. Designed for maximum flexibility, you will study when it suits you and develop critical business leadership skills that you can apply in your career as you learn. This course is designed by industry-leading academics to help future-focused professionals take their careers to new heights. Comprising four core and four elective subjects, this diploma has a practical and interdisciplinary focus, with themes of understanding the changing business environment, leadership, market positioning, fundamentals of business finance and effective communication. The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (On Demand) is a pathway to a full MBA (On Demand), as well as a solid stand-alone qualification.

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