Graduate Certificate of Research Studies

Torrens University Indonesia

Jenis institusi: Universitas/Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Tingkat: Pascasarjana
CRICOS: 03389E

A Graduate Certificate of Research Studies offers the foundational theoretical and technical knowledge and skills in research. During your studies you will undertake four research training units. You will gain an understanding of literature, future research requirements and research proposal writing, as well as the analytical and communication skills required in future research. On completion you will be equipped to work in research-related fields and support researchers with foundation research skills. Graduates at this level will have advanced knowledge and skills for professional, highly skilled work or further learning. They will have advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in one or more disciplines or areas of practice plus advanced cognitive, technical and communication skills, which they will use to analyse critically, evaluate, and transform information to complete a range of activities.

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