Diploma of Graphic Design - CUA50720

TAFE South Australia (TAFE SA)

Jenis institusi: Institut TAFE
Tingkat: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who combine technical, creative and conceptual skills to create designs that meet client requirements and solve a range of visual communication challenges. Practice at this level is underpinned by application of design theory and practice and the ability to analyse and synthesise information from a range of sources to generate design solutions.Practitioners may work in many different commercial and community contexts across both print and digital media. The job roles that relate to this qualification may include Graphic Designer, and related roles such as Studio Manager. It may also provide pathways to other related roles in graphic design and associated industries.Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations QualificationNo licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.Units of competency in qualificationSome individual units of competency may have their own licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements. Users must check individual units of competency for licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements relevant to that unit.

Informasi Studi

KampusBiayaAsupan pertengahan tahunKehadiran
Adelaide College of the Arts International: $20,120 No

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