Doctor of Philosophy (Industry)

Monash University

Jenis institusi: Universitas/Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Tingkat: Pascasarjana
CRICOS: 00008C

The Industry Doctoral Program (IDP) is an industry-led PhD of which the scope, project and research focus are determined by the organisation sponsor. This allows business to explore new ideas, and opportunities with the goal of developing a competitive advantage. This is supported through expert academic supervision, world leading facilities and access to some of Australia's leading talent. This innovative program provides the next generation of researchers with the skills to work at the interface of academia and industry. This program stands distinct through its portfolio-based approach, industry-scoped and led projects, time a student spends in industry, and the examinable component. Students are expected to spend a substantial part of their candidature embedded with the industry partner to deliver world-class, impactful research that benefits industry, the economy and broader society. The research training of students is further enhanced by professional development activities designed to support them in their academic, professional and career development.

Informasi Studi

KampusBiayaAsupan pertengahan tahunKehadiran
Clayton International: $159,600 No
  • Full-time : 3 years
Monash Online International: $159,600 No
  • Online/Off-campus : 3 years

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